5 Key Steps to Finding Your Brand Voice

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Every brand has a voice. It’s the personality, tone, and style that sets it apart from competitors and allows it to connect with its audience. But when a brand’s voice becomes too loud, too aggressive, or too pushy, it can lose its ability to connect and resonate with its audience. That’s why rediscovering and maintaining your brand voice is critical to your success. 

In this blog post, we’ll take a look at the key steps you can take to achieve an effective brand voice, from understanding your audience to developing your language, and being consistent across all channels. So, let’s dive in!

  1. Understand your audience. What are their hopes and desires? What is their idea of the good life? What are their frustrations? What other brands are they likely to identify with?
  2. Clarify your story. This may seem easy and intuitive. In reality, it’s anything but. Finding clarity about who you are and how you got to where you are requires an intentional process.
  3. Identify a narrator. Have a brainstorm session as a team to describe the ideal narrator to tell your brand’s story. Maybe it’s someone on your team. Maybe it’s someone who doesn’t even exist. But the clearer you can get on what this person is like, the better job you’ll do as a team using his/her voice in your messaging. 
  4. Develop your language. Make some decisions early on about how you’ll use slang, whether you’ll use emojis, the degree of casualness vs. sophistication that’s right for your brand. Using consistent language helps your audience identify with you and know what to expect. 
  5. Be consistent. You’ve done the hard work of understanding your audience and your story. You’ve come together as a team to identify the perfect narrator for your brand. You’ve developed your language. Now it’s time to put all this into practice. That boils down to one principle: CONSISTENCY. Keeping consistent across time will give your brand that knowability that you’re striving for. 

Finding and maintaining your brand voice is not an easy task, but it is essential for building a strong and lasting relationship with your audience. By understanding your audience, clarifying your story, identifying a narrator, developing your language, and being consistent, you can create a brand voice that resonates with your audience and stands out in a crowded market. At the end of the day, it's about cutting through the noise and making a meaningful connection with the people you’re called to serve. 

If you need help with developing your brand voice, our team is here to help you. Let's work together to create a voice that speaks directly to your audience and helps you achieve your goals.


The Resonate Group has been a leader in supporting God-honoring businesses, ministries, churches, schools and nonprofits since 2009.

We believe that all work should be done with excellence to the glory of God.

Based in Nashville, we are a tight-knit team, with local and remote team members across America. We’ve cherry-picked the most creative and strategic minds we can find, and planted honest collaboration and forward thinking at the heart of our company culture.​

Our white-glove, client-forward approach ensures that our clients will not be surprised by the final results because they will have been an integral part of the process.





Do you feel like your brand and sales are not in sync? Building a strong brand is the foundation for a successful sales strategy, while a weak brand can hinder your ability to generate leads and close deals. In this free course, you will learn how to master the dance between sales and brand and leverage it to win opportunities to serve your ideal customers.  

In this course, we introduce you to sales expert and Founder of Altezza Solutions, Steve Caton and his Director of Operations, Craig Johnson.

We’ll discuss:
  • The importance of a strong brand and how it can establish trust and credibility with potential customers
  • How your brand and sales teams should mutually support each other
  • Key sales strategies to consistently serve people well
  • How to align your sales team with your brand and marketing to maximize results
And much more!

Don't miss out on this opportunity to elevate your business with the powerful dance between sales and brand. Sign up now for this free course!


The Resonate Team

We help ministries, non profits, and for-purpose businesses cut through the noise so you can reach the right people with the right message and change the world as a result.

Altezza Solutions

We help clients better allocate resources, expand capacity, and hit higher sales goals by filling in gaps for internal sales teams or managing  entire sales cycles with expert fractional salespeople that deliver amazing results.

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